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Unveiling Your Skin Tattoo Removal

Tattoos were traditionally deemed as permanent, but with the recent advancements in laser technology, the removal of tattoos has become a safer and more efficient process. Modern lasers can now eliminate tattoo ink with reduced treatment sessions while effectively addressing ink colors that were previously challenging to remove.


Types of Tattoos

Amateur tattoos

An amateur tattoo is normally formed using a single colour (India ink) such as black, brown and blue. They can be applied by someone using a needle and a bottle of India ink at home without under guidance of any professional tattoo artist. It is applied at varying depths and sits close to the top layer of the skin.

Professional tattoos

A professional tattoo is usually comprised multi colours and formed using a machine and maple ink. They use much stronger inks as compared to amateur tattoos. Colours in professional tattoos applied evenly to the layer beneath the skin that called as dermis. These tattoos are created by trained and professional tattoo artist at salon or tattoo parlour.

Cosmetic tattoos

Cosmetic tattoos are also known as permanent make-up. It involves the application of pigments into the skin which results in soft shades which imitate cosmetics(make-up). For example eyebrows, eyeliner and lip liner which are tattooed into the skin. It is an everlasting form of make up that removes the need to apply any kind of cosmetics on a daily basis.

Traumatic tattoos

Traumatic tattoos which are also known as natural tattoos occur due to an accident or trauma such as accident stab wound from a pen or pencil or grazes following a road accident.

Permanent Tattoo Removal: Non-Surgical Methods Write Content in paragrph

Permanent Tattoo Removal: Non-Surgical Methods Write Content in paragrph

Permanent tattoo removal is no longer confined to surgical procedures alone. Non-surgical methods have emerged as effective alternatives for those looking to erase unwanted tattoos. These methods offer less invasive options, minimizing the risks associated with surgical interventions.

One of the most popular non-surgical methods for permanent tattoo removal is laser therapy. Laser technology has advanced significantly, allowing for precise targeting of tattoo ink beneath the skin's surface. The laser breaks down the ink particles into smaller fragments, which are then naturally eliminated by the body's immune system over time. Multiple sessions may be required for complete removal, but this method is less painful and leaves minimal scarring compared to surgical alternatives.

Another non-surgical approach is dermabrasion, which involves the mechanical removal of the tattooed skin layers. This method exfoliates the skin's surface, gradually diminishing the appearance of the tattoo. However, dermabrasion can be uncomfortable and may necessitate multiple sessions.

Chemical peels are also employed for tattoo removal. A chemical solution is applied to the tattooed area, causing the skin to peel and the ink to fade. While this method can be effective, it may require several sessions and is generally more suitable for smaller tattoos.

Non-surgical tattoo removal methods are a promising option for those seeking a less invasive and less painful way to bid farewell to their tattoos. However, the effectiveness of these methods can vary depending on factors such as tattoo size, ink colors, and individual skin type, so consulting with a qualified practitioner is crucial to determine the most suitable approach for your specific case.

Benefits of laser tattoo removal

Laser tattoo removal offers several compelling benefits:

Effective Removal

Laser technology is highly effective in breaking down tattoo ink pigments, allowing for the gradual fading and removal of tattoos. It can target a wide range of ink colors, even those that were once challenging to remove.

Minimal Scarring

Compared to surgical methods like excision or dermabrasion, laser tattoo removal typically results in less scarring and skin damage. The controlled laser energy specifically targets the ink pigments, leaving surrounding skin relatively unharmed.


Laser tattoo removal is a non-invasive procedure, which means it doesn't require surgical incisions or anesthesia. This makes it a more comfortable and less risky option for tattoo removal.

Customized Treatment

Laser tattoo removal can be tailored to suit the individual tattoo and the patient's needs. The number of sessions and laser settings can be adjusted to accommodate the tattoo's size, colors, and depth.

Quick Recovery

Patients usually experience minimal downtime after laser sessions. There may be some redness and mild discomfort, but these effects are temporary and generally subside within a few days.


Laser technology can be used on various types of tattoos, including amateur, professional, and cosmetic tattoos. It can also address tattoos in different body locations.

Reduced Risk of Infection

Since laser tattoo removal is non-surgical, there is a lower risk of infection compared to invasive tattoo removal methods.


Laser tattoo removal is a safe and well-established procedure when performed by a trained and experienced practitioner.

Improved Confidence

Removing an unwanted tattoo can boost self-esteem and confidence, especially for individuals who regret their tattoos or want to make a fresh start.

Color Correction

Lasers can often correct or fade unwanted colors, making it possible for clients to replace an old tattoo with a new design if desired.

Why Choose Eudermiz for Tattoo Removal

We invite you to schedule a complimentary consultation with us at Eudermiz Clinic. During this consultation, we will assess your unwanted tattoo and provide you with a comprehensive overview of the laser tattoo removal process, as well as the anticipated outcomes. We have unwavering confidence in the effectiveness of our cutting-edge technology, and we are committed to delivering faster results, often in as few as three sessions. Take the first step toward a tattoo-free future and visit our clinic today. Call us to book an Appointment for Tattoo Removal Treatment at Eudermiz, our mobile no. Is +91-63055 35324

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