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Skin Allergies- Why They Happen and How to take Care of Them

A skin allergy is an allergic reaction to a typically harmless substance, such as wool, pollen, soap, or plants. The immune system reacts to this trigger and attacks to remove it from the body. The result is an allergic skin rash, which tends to be red and itchy. Skin allergies encompass a number of allergic conditions, such as atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, and hives.

Skin allergies have become a lot more common, and in some cases can have particularly nasty side effects and cause a great deal of pain to the person oppressed with them. When thinking of skin allergies the most common is eczema, however there are other conditions such as dermatitis (contact and atopical) as well as hives.

Skin allergies are Common in children and adults but some cases can have particularly bad side effects and cause a great deal of pain to the person afflicted

The causes of Skin Allergy and why they are more prevalent than they were are numerous, and due to this treating an allergy becomes more about examining what allergens cause a reaction and reducing the exposure to them as much as possible. If you have a Skin Allergy Meet Our Experienced Dermatologist in Hyderabad. Below are some common causes for allergies and what can be done to help.

What Causes of Skin Allergies

A skin allergy is caused by contact with a trigger. The immune system responds, causing a rash. Triggers that can lead to skin allergy include:

  • Latex
  • Pet dander
  • Poison ivy or poison oak
  • Cold or hot temperatures
  • Laundry detergent
  • Soap
  • Nickel
  • Chemicals
  • Insects
  • Pollen
  • Sunlight
  • Water
  • Food
  • Drugs

Some people have very obvious triggers, while other people have difficulty determining the source of the problem and need to undergo allergy testing.


Types of Skin Allergies

There are a few different types of allergic skin conditions, and each presents in a specific way.


Also referred to as atopic dermatitis, this skin condition most frequently starts in the first couple years of life, but it can first appear in an adolescent or adult.

In older children, adolescents, and adults, the rash most commonly occurs in the flexural areas (behind the knees and in elbow creases), though it may also occur on eyebrows, hands, neck, and face.

Scratching and rubbing of the skin may result in an exaggeration of normal skin markings and abnormal pigmentation called lichenification.

Contact Dermatitis

This reaction is most commonly due to an irritant, but an allergic reaction is also possible. Inflammation of the skin results after contact between an allergic trigger substance and your skin.

While the rash can look very similar to eczema, the rash normally only occurs where the skin has had contact with the offending agent. The face, eyelids, neck, hands, and feet are commonly affected areas.

While poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac are the most common causes of allergic contact dermatitis, nickel in jewelry, cosmetics, antibiotic creams, rubber, and chemicals on shoes can also lead to this skin allergy.


Urticaria, the medical term for hives, is an itchy rash that can indicate a significant underlying medical condition. Hives are raised pink or red bumps that appear in various sizes and shapes and have pale centers.

Hives may quickly change location, size, and shape and may or may not itch. The itching from hives doesn't usually cause a person to scratch enough to break the skin.

Allergens that may cause hives include:

  • Food, such as peanuts, eggs, nuts, and shellfish
  • Latex
  • Medications, such as the antibiotics penicillin and sulfa, aspirin, and ibuprofen
  • Insect stings
  • Physical stimuli, such as pressure, cold, heat, exercise, or sun exposure

Hives are not contagious but may be a warning sign of a serious allergic reaction that may lead to anaphylaxis—a medical emergency that must be treated with an injection of epinephrine.


Commonly associated with hives, angioedema is a swelling that might involve the lips, eyes, and hands and feet, and can preclude anaphylaxis. Patients describe angioedema as an abnormal stinging or tingling sensation. Angioedema of the face or neck indicates a risk of a severe allergy that leads to significant breathing problems. Seek immediate care for any breathing problems or significant worsening of symptoms.

Why Choose Eudermiz Clinic For Skin Allergy Treatment?

The Dermatology at Eudermiz Clinic is led by Dr. Sai Sandeepthi. We offer complete and holistic diagnosis, management and specialized treatment for a full range of skin diseases Treatment in Hyderabad. Our team of professional and experienced dermatologists provide in-depth care for common and complex skin disorders.

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