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PDO Hair Threading

Age defies mere numbers as advancements in modern treatments now enable the reversal of visible signs of aging on the neck and face. The desire to maintain a youthful appearance drives individuals to seek various remedies in pursuit of the perfect solution. Among the non-invasive and non-surgical options available, PDO threads, or polydioxanone threads, stand out as a remarkable cosmetic treatment. This article explores the mechanism behind PDO threads, their advantages, potential side effects, the procedural details, associated costs, and the targeted treatment areas throughout the body."


What Is A PDO Thread?

PDO, which stands for polydioxanone thread, is an innovative surgical procedure employing absorbable sutures for addressing gynecological issues and suturing incisions post-medical interventions. Our medical professionals utilize this treatment to rejuvenate and elevate loose skin, providing immediate skin tightening and the firming of fatty tissues. Moreover, PDO threads have the potential to stimulate neovascularization and collagen synthesis, fostering cellular-level rejuvenation for lackluster skin. In the subsequent sections, we will delve deeper into this fascinating topic


PDO threads have gained significant popularity in the beauty industry due to their non-invasive approach and impressive effectiveness. But what exactly are these threads made of? PDO stands for Polydioxanone, which is a biodegradable polymer with a well-established history in surgical applications spanning decades. It's entirely safe and naturally absorbs into the body over time.

These threads come in various shapes and sizes, tailored to the specific treatment area. They can be smooth or equipped with barbs to provide additional lift and support. Once implanted into the skin, they stimulate collagen production, leading to improved texture, firmness, and an overall youthful appearance.

One of the most enticing aspects of PDO threads is their minimal downtime compared to traditional facelifts or other invasive procedures. Patients can resume their daily routines almost immediately after treatment with minimal discomfort. In essence, PDO threads provide a convenient option for individuals seeking to combat signs of aging without the need for extensive surgery or extended recovery periods. As technology in this field continues to advance, we can eagerly anticipate the emergence of exciting new developments!


Three Types of PDO Threads for Thread Lifting

In this section, we would like to acquaint you with the three primary types of PDO threads frequently employed in Korean thread lifting therapy.

Mono Threads:

Mono threads, which are smooth threads without barbs, serve as the first category. These threads are intricately woven into the facial skin in a mesh-like pattern to promote skin tightening. The optimal results often become evident as collagen production initiates around the threads. Common treatment targets include addressing issues such as forehead wrinkles, under-eye bags, neck sagging, and neck lines. Typically, 10 to 20 mono threads are introduced for each treatment area. To sustain the lift effect, the threads are securely anchored to specific points on the scalp or face.

Screw Threads/Tornado Threads:

Screw threads, or tornado threads, are crafted by entwining one or two threads around the insertion needle. This technique is particularly effective for adding volume to recessed skin areas. When two threads are intertwined, it results in a "Multi Screw" configuration, which imparts a more robust impact compared to a single screw thread. Typically, facelift procedures make use of screw threads. An interesting approach suggested by our teacher from the Hands-On Korean Thread Lift Workshop involves creating your screw threads by inserting a mono thread using a twisting method.

Cog Threads:

Cog threads are essentially mono threads embellished with barbs that anchor beneath the skin's surface. These barbs create a supportive structure that elevates sagging tissues. Notably, cog threads do not necessitate anchoring points. Collagen production is also stimulated around the threads and their barbs. Cog threads prove highly effective for tasks such as jawline lifting and slimming.

How Long Thread Lift Last For?

The results of a thread lift treatment are temporary, typically lasting between one to three years. Over time, the threads naturally dissolve and are absorbed by your body. Should you be pleased with the results, you have the option to undergo another thread lift treatment.

Is A Thread Lift Painful?

Local anesthesia is administered during a thread lift procedure to ensure a painless experience. However, it is common to experience some post-treatment pain, discomfort, and soreness. In such cases, over-the-counter or prescription pain medication can be used for a few days until the soreness subsides

What Areas Of The Face Can A PDO Thread Lift Treat?

A PDO thread lift can treat various areas of the face, helping to rejuvenate and lift sagging skin. Some of the common areas that can be addressed with a PDO thread lift include:

  • Forehead: To improve forehead wrinkles and raise sagging skin.
  • Eyebrows: To lift and enhance eyebrow shape and position.
  • Under-Eye Area: To reduce under-eye bags and dark circles.
  • Cheeks: To restore volume and contour, reducing the appearance of sagging cheeks.
  • Nasolabial Folds: To diminish the lines running from the nose to the corners of the mouth.
  • Marionette Lines: To soften the lines from the corners of the mouth to the jawline.
  • Jawline and Jowls: To lift and tighten the jawline, addressing jowls and sagging skin in the lower face.
  • Neck: To treat neck sagging and horizontal neck lines (necklace lines).
  • Chin: To improve chin definition and sagging.
  • Lips: To lift and redefine the vermillion border (lip outline).

Does It Really Matter What Kind Of PDO Thread Is Used?

Indeed, the choice of PDO thread in your procedure is of utmost importance, as it can influence several key factors, including:

  • The quality of the results: The type of PDO thread used can impact the overall quality of the outcome.
  • Duration of results: Different threads may offer varying longevity for the results achieved.
  • Cost of the procedure: The type of threads selected can affect the overall cost of the treatment.
  • Tensile strength of the threads: The strength of the threads can influence their effectiveness in lifting and rejuvenating the skin.

At Eudermiz Clinic, we exclusively utilize Novathreads. During your initial consultation, your board-certified practitioner will carefully assess your unique beauty objectives and recommend the most suitable threads available on the market. Novathreads offers a range of options, including barbed, smooth, and twist threads, which can be applied using either a blunt cannula or a sharp needle, tailored to your specific needs.

What The Various PDO Thread Types Do

PDO threads are alternatively categorized as "mono" instead of smooth, "cog" instead of barbed, and "screw" in lieu of twist threads. These three primary PDO thread types have distinct functions:

Mono Threads: Mono threads are utilized to address facial creases by securing them to the face or scalp, resulting in skin tightening.

Cog Threads: Cog threads feature tiny barbs that allow them to lift tissue by anchoring to the skin. They are particularly useful for enhancing volume.

Screw Threads: Screw threads are wound around the injection needle to provide increased volume, making them an ideal choice for those looking to restore lost facial volume.

Our experienced staff can guide you in selecting the most suitable combination of thread types based on your unique body type and cosmetic objectives to ensure you achieve the best possible results.

What Do I Need To Do Before Treatment

Your practitioner will devise a tailored plan in accordance with your skin type and specific treatment needs. However, here are some general recommendations:

Preparation in Advance:

Refrain from smoking and alcohol consumption for at least a week before the procedure. Both can dehydrate the skin and potentially interfere with the anesthesia stage. Avoiding them helps expedite the healing process and ensures optimal therapeutic results.

Dietary Considerations:

Two days prior to the treatment, abstain from consuming omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, spicy foods, ginseng, garlic, krill, and similar supplements. It is advisable to also steer clear of ginger and green teas during this period.


Avoid aspirin-based medications such as Naproxen/Naprogesic, Neurofen, and Ibuprofen, as they can increase the risk of bleeding and unfavorable side effects.

Physical Activity:

Refrain from engaging in high-intensity exercise and avoid visiting saunas or steam rooms in the days leading up to the treatment.

What Are The Benefits Of The PDO Thread

The advancement of modern technology and treatments has made addressing sagging facial tissues and skin tightening more accessible than ever. Among these innovations are medical-grade sutures commonly employed to rejuvenate loose skin. As substantiated by medical research, PDO threads, or Polydioxanone threads, play a pivotal role in relaxing muscles, tissues, and tendons. They enhance blood circulation and stimulate the immune system's response to a foreign body, resulting in increased blood flow to the treated area. This heightened circulation facilitates the production of new collagen, as well as essential components like hyaluronic acid and elastin, all of which are crucial for enhancing skin texture and achieving firm, youthful skin. However, before embarking on a PDO thread lift, it's essential for patients to consider the myriad benefits associated with this treatment:

Inducing Collagen Production:

Upon insertion into the skin, PDO threads trigger the body's natural healing response, leading to increased collagen production. Collagen is a foundational protein in the body, forming the basis of vital components such as skin, muscles, bones, hair, tendons, and ligaments. Elevated collagen levels enhance skin texture, maintaining its plump, youthful appearance while reducing the visible signs of aging like sagging, wrinkles, and loose skin. Importantly, PDO threads achieve these results without leaving visible scars in the treated areas, a significant advantage of the treatment.

Improving Skin Texture:

As discussed, PDO threads enhance the skin's texture by boosting collagen production. The presence of sutures within PDO threads fosters increased collagen production, ultimately leading to improved skin density and enhanced hydration. This, in turn, smooths fine lines and wrinkles, alleviates dryness, and rectifies uneven, bumpy textures. Undergoing PDO treatment offers patients the prospect of long-lasting and impressive results.

Use of Safe Materials:

PDO thread treatments are carried out using safe, medical-grade materials. These materials, including polydioxanone, are naturally absorbed by the body and excreted as waste and carbon dioxide. In this treatment, doctors utilize polydioxanone, a biodegradable material with a history of use in surgical procedures for tissue engineering and skin lifting. The body naturally eliminates PDO threads over approximately six months following the therapy, ensuring safety and effectiveness in the treatment process.

Under the expert care of Dr. Sai Sandeepthi, this treatment offers patients a secure and effective means of achieving remarkable results, with the added benefit of the body's natural assimilation of the materials used.

The Procedures of the PDO Thread Treatment

Your attending physicians will recommend abstaining from alcohol and certain common medications for a minimum of five days prior to your scheduled treatment. This precautionary measure is taken to mitigate the potential risks of bleeding and bruising. Following this, your doctor will provide a comprehensive discussion on potential complications, risk factors, and the steps involved in the recovery process.


To begin the procedure, your doctor will arrange for you to sit in a reclined position. Following this, they will meticulously disinfect the treatment area using medical-grade alcohol. In some cases, a local anesthetic may be administered using a needle beneath the skin to ensure your comfort.

The next step involves the doctor creating a small incision with another needle and introducing a specialized instrument known as a cannula into the designated area.

Our highly skilled dermatologists then secure the PDO thread in place before gently withdrawing the device. Finally, the thread is carefully trimmed and securely positioned within the treatment area, completing the process.

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