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All about Laser Toning, benefits, who is the best candidate and precautions

What is Laser Toning and How Does It Work?

In simple terms, laser toning is a process where specific layers of the skin are penetrated with laser energy and disintegrate the pigments formed due to acne, sun damage, acne Scars, ageing, and other skin conditions.

laser toning depends upon non-ablative lasers, which only heat the tissues in targeted areas but don’t destroy them. According to Our Best Dermatologists Dr. Sai Sandeepthi. laser toning creates a ‘controlled thermal injury’ that prompts the body’s natural mechanisms to increase collagen and elastin production. Upon completing the procedure, discolouration vanishes as excess pigmentation and the body’s immune system mops up the particulate matter.

How Laser Toning Works

Laser toning is performed using non-ablative lasers, which work by heating up the targeted tissue without actually destroying it. This creates what dermatologists call a ‘controlled thermal injury,’ triggering a natural response in the body to produce more collagen and elastin. After the procedure is complete, the body’s immune system processes excess pigmentation and leftover particles to clear away discoloration.

There is typically no pretreatment required for laser toning, although some specialists will instruct their patients to avoid sun exposure for a few weeks beforehand.

Some skincare specialists apply a topical analgesic or local anesthetic to minimize discomfort during the procedure, but most patients don’t experience any significant pain. However, it is common for the skin to feel warm to the touch immediately after the treatment session is complete.


Benefits of Laser Toning

Laser Toning helps to address the following skin concerns.


This pigmentation is commonly caused by hormonal imbalance. It is also known as a "Mask of Pregnancy" as it mostly affects women during or after childbirth. This can be characterized as grey-brown patches on the face. Laser Toning helps to remove these stubborn marks quickly and effectively.

Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation

A burn or an injury is followed by epidermal pigmentation condition referred to as PIH. These can be reduced with Laser Toning. For best results, we can pair the treatment with topical lightening creams.

Dark Spots

Prolonged sun exposure often results in dark spots. Laser Toning selectively targets the pigmentation and results in an improved skin tone.


Since freckles are genetic, and laser toning has shown excellent results in diminishing their appearance.

Dark Circles

Laser Toning is highly beneficial for people who have dark circles and are not able to effectively manage them with other treatments.

Who is a candidate?

This treatment is an ideal solution for the patients with cosmetic concerns like pigment irregularities, age spots, uneven skin tone or blotchy skin, open pores, tanned skin etc.

It Can help to improve their appearance on the skin and provides instant rejuvenation or “brightness” to the face, neck, and hands. Laser toning promotes sub-dermal collagen production that helps to improve skin texture, color and tone.

What shall you expect?

It is a safe, effective and painless treatment though patients may feel a sensation of heat when the laser handpiece hovers over the skin following the procedure.

Laser toning is a non-ablative treatment thereby causing no damage to the skin. No bruising or swelling means patients can continue living their life immediately after the treatment.

One typically requires 4-6 sessions of toning which can be used not only for the face but other body parts as well. The hair on the face also undergoes a bleaching effect and falls off further providing a brightening effect to the skin.

Precautions to be taken before and after Laser Toning

  • Wear hats and sun-protective clothing to avoid direct sun exposure. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen of SPF of at least 30 and PA+++ during the entire treatment of laser toning and after completing the full course as well.
  • Prime the skin with skin-lightening agents or other agents, as suggested by the dermatologist for at least 2-3 weeks before the treatment for better results.
  • Avoid tanning in areas of the body which are to be treated with Laser Toning.
  • Always take a patch test before undergoing the treatment to set the right indications.
  • Avoid the use of harsh scrubs or abrasive soaps over the treated area.

Are you planning to have your first laser toning session?

[email protected] to book a consultation and clarify all your doubts. At Eudermiz we first examine your skin, discuss different treatment options available for you and then suggest the best suitable option depending on your specific skin concerns. If you wish to experience an amazing transformation of your skin with Laser Toning Treatment, visit us!

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